
Wednesday 22 September 2010

Ain't nothin' goin' on

Well I haven't blogged recently as there's not really been anything to blog about. Nothing great has happened, and nothing bad either. I dropped 0.5lb at my weigh in on Saturday, and I think I've found my pattern - three or four weeks of small weight losses or staying the same, and then one big drop of 3lb - 3.5lbs.

I've joined two challenges through the WW eSource site. One is 12 for 12 - lose 12lbs in 12 weeks (this one will start from Saturday for me) and the other is Christmas Countdown - again, lose a minimum of 1lb a week until Christmas. I've already failed my first way in on that one!

This is the only thing I can say I don't like about WW, and it's not even so much WW it's me - my body and how it reacts to things. I joined both of the challenges after being spurred on by much positive talk from my OH. When I dropped the chunk of weight the week before last, he said to me "you could easily lose another stone before Christmas" and the thought was so appealing! That would mean I'd be into the 11s. I've not been 11 stone something in about 10 years. And I thought "yeah, I can do this!" so I joined. But although I think I might lose another good bit before Christmas, with my weight pattern I don't know if it'll be as much as a stone (14lbs for any US readers!). I will still give it a go though.

I am still toying with the idea of photographing everything I eat and putting it on Flickr. I'm thinking about it for two reasons - one because if I can take the time to photograph it, I will definitely track it and maybe think twice about mindlessly scoffing something (not that I do that much now anyway) and also because it might give someone some ideas for dinners. I'm a very visual person and always like a picture with a recipe and Flickr is obviously the perfect forum for that and I find that the majority of the WW stuff on there is American where the points system is different. On the same token though, I pretty much eat the same thing for breakfast & lunch every day so it might be pretty boring. I'll give it some more thought.

Anyways, for this week's WI I am not sure what to expect. If it was a normal week I would expect 0.5lb off, but I'm out for a family get together on Friday night which involves a three course meal. I will try and choose wisely but let's just say my disgestive transit does not move quickly so the weight of food I consume will probably still be in my tummy the next day at weigh in...

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