
Friday 13 August 2010

Friday Night Thoughts I...

So here we are, back to the night before weigh in. I've done quite well this week. Gym three times (could've been four, but I missed it tonight) and haven't gone over points at all. I had a thought tonight though...although I am not struggling with the plan itself, I've noticed that I've sort of lost my love for food. At this stage, I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing. I mean, I have my dinner and look forward to it, but I never come away thinking "wow, I really enjoyed that!". It's just a process now. Hungry? Eat. Full? Stop. There's no temptation to stuff my face like before, but no enjoyment either. I don't even think it's down to the food I eat. Tonight I thought about all the things I like - mexican food, huge plates of pasta, curries, kebabs. None of it was appetising. Although I suppose it's good that that temptation to overeat it gone (for now), I have to admit I liked liking food. It was a social thing, a reward, fun. Maybe that's why I ate too much in the first place. It's something to think about...

I am also considering starting to measure myself now. I am starting to slightly notice my body changing, but in all honesty, it's not changing as quickly as I'd thought. Maybe if I can see the inches coming off (rather than just the pounds), it will seem more real to me. Although I'm scared of two things with this, one - that I am actually NOT losing inches and it will discourage me (I think this is unlikely) or two - that it will 'tempt fate' (I'm not superstitious but have some stupid quirks with things like this) and that it will undo all the good work I've done and I'll put it all back on. I'm just not sure right now.

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